HomeLatest Educational NotificationsSupporting students with ADHD in higher education

Supporting students with ADHD in higher education

Supporting students with ADHD in higher education


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can significantly affect a student’s academic experience. Higher education institutions play an important role in creating inclusive environments that support students with ADHD. This article explores strategies to increase the academic success of students with ADHD.


Understanding the challenges

faced by students with ADHD is essential to providing appropriate support. These students often struggle with time management, organization, and focus, which can affect their academic performance. By implementing effective strategies, institutions can create more inclusive and supportive learning environments.

Bullet Points

*Key Challenges Facing Students with ADHD:

  • Time management difficulties
  • Organizational challenges
  • Difficulty maintaining focus
  • Passion
  • Educational delay
    Strategies to help students with ADHD:
  • Provide academic accommodation.
  • Offer time management and organizational skills training.
  • Create a supportive classroom environment
  • Foster support and peer support
  • Encourage self-advocacy.
  • Promote mental health awareness and support.


Extended Time for ExaminationsReduces test anxiety Allow extra time for students to complete exams.
Help with note taking Improves information processing Offer note-taking services or allow recording lectures
Flexible DeadlineReduces stress and improves time management. Give students options to submit assignments at different times
Quiet Study SpacesReduces distractions Designate quiet areas for focused study
Peer MentoringOffers help and guidance Match students with ADHD with mentors who can provide support


Supporting students with ADHD in higher education requires a collaborative effort of faculty, staff, and students. By implementing evidence-based strategies and creating an inclusive campus culture, institutions can significantly increase the academic success and overall well-being of students with ADHD.

Frequently Asked Questions

How ​​can I help a student with ADHD who is struggling with time management?

  • Break tasks down into small, manageable steps.
  • Use time management tools and apps.
  • Encourage the use of calendars and planners.
    What are some effective study strategies for students with ADHD?
  • Find a quiet study environment.
  • Use mind mapping or other visual aids.
  • Take short breaks during study sessions.
  • Prioritize tasks and set realistic goals.
    *How ​​can I create a more inclusive classroom for students with ADHD?
  • Work with patience and understanding.
  • Provide clear expectations and instructions.
  • Offer multiple ways to access course content.
  • Encourage student participation and engagement.
Supporting students with ADHD in higher education

By providing the necessary

support and accommodations, higher education institutions can empower students with ADHD to reach their full potential.

Majid Farooq
Majid Farooqhttp://edlnd.com
English postgraduate, wordsmith by passion. Crafting stories, exploring knowledge, and sharing insights through blogs, content, and research.


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