HomeLatest Educational NewsSBA 1st Term Syllabus 2024-25: School Education Department

SBA 1st Term Syllabus 2024-25: School Education Department

SBA 1st Term Syllabus 2024-25: School Education Department

SBA 1st Term Syllabus 2024-25: School Education Department

Note: The exact syllabus may vary slightly depending on the specific grade and curriculum used by the School Education Department. Please refer to official sources or consult with your school administration for the most accurate information.


School-Based Assessment (SBA) is a crucial component of the educational system in Pakistan. It aims to evaluate students’ learning and understanding in a more comprehensive manner compared to traditional exams. The SBA syllabus for the first term of 2024-25 outlines the topics and subjects that students will be assessed on.  

Key Subjects and Topics

The following is a general overview of the key subjects and topics that are likely to be included in the SBA 1st term syllabus:


  • Grammar: Tenses, sentence structure, vocabulary
  • Literature: Short stories, poems, plays
  • Writing: Essays, letters, reports


  • Grammar: Tenses, sentence structure, vocabulary
  • Literature: Short stories, poems, plays
  • Writing: Essays, letters, reports


  • Numbers: Operations, fractions, decimals
  • Algebra: Equations, inequalities
  • Geometry: Shapes, measurements


  • Biology: Cells, plants, animals
  • Chemistry: Matter, elements, compounds
  • Physics: Force, motion, energy

Social Studies

  • History: Pakistan’s history, major events
  • Geography: Maps, continents, countries
  • Civics: Government, citizenship, rights

Sample Syllabus Table

EnglishGrammar, Literature, Writing
UrduGrammar, Literature, Writing
MathematicsNumbers, Algebra, Geometry
ScienceBiology, Chemistry, Physics
Social StudiesHistory, Geography, Civics


  • When is the SBA 1st term exam? The exact dates will be announced by the School Education Department.
  • How is SBA conducted? SBA is typically conducted through a combination of assignments, projects, presentations, and tests.
  • What is the weightage of SBA in the final grade? The weightage of SBA varies depending on the school and subject.
  • Where can I find the official syllabus? The official syllabus can be obtained from your school or the School Education Department’s website.


The SBA 1st term syllabus for 2024-25 provides a framework for students’ learning and assessment. By understanding the key subjects and topics, students can effectively prepare for their exams and demonstrate their knowledge and skills.

School based assessment sba syllabus 2024 class 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Sba first term date sheet 2024 pdf

Majid Farooq
Majid Farooqhttp://edlnd.com
English postgraduate, wordsmith by passion. Crafting stories, exploring knowledge, and sharing insights through blogs, content, and research.


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