HomeLatest Educational NewsLND Slos September 2024

LND Slos September 2024

LND SLOs for Class 3, Punjab, Pakistan (September 2024)

LND Slos September 2024
LND Slos September 2024

LND Slos September 2024 pdf file


The Learning Outcomes (SLOs) are essential guidelines for teachers to ensure that students achieve the desired level of understanding in each subject. These SLOs are designed to align with the national curriculum and provide a clear framework for teaching and assessment.

Subject-wise SLOs for Class 3


  • Reading:
    • Read fluently and with expression.
    • Understand the main idea and supporting details of a story.
    • Identify different types of texts (e.g., narrative, informative, poetic).
  • Writing:
    • Write clear and coherent sentences.
    • Use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
    • Write simple stories and paragraphs.
  • Vocabulary:
    • Understand and use new vocabulary words.
    • Use synonyms and antonyms.
    • Recognize and use idioms and phrasal verbs.


  • Reading:
    • Read fluently and with expression.
    • Understand the main idea and supporting details of a story.
    • Identify different types of texts (e.g., narrative, informative, poetic).
  • Writing:
    • Write clear and coherent sentences.
    • Use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
    • Write simple stories and paragraphs.
  • Vocabulary:
    • Understand and use new vocabulary words.
    • Use synonyms and antonyms.
    • Recognize and use idioms and phrasal verbs.


  • Numbers:
    • Count numbers up to 1000.
    • Perform basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).
    • Understand place value.
  • Geometry:
    • Identify shapes (e.g., square, rectangle, triangle, circle).
    • Measure length and weight.
    • Understand the concept of symmetry.
  • Patterns:
    • Recognize and extend patterns.
    • Solve simple word problems involving patterns.


  • Living Things:
    • Identify different types of plants and animals.
    • Understand the basic needs of living things.
    • Describe the life cycle of a butterfly.
  • Matter:
    • Identify different states of matter.
    • Understand the properties of solids, liquids, and gases.
    • Conduct simple experiments to observe matter.
  • Earth and Space:
    • Identify the parts of the Earth.
    • Understand the concept of day and night.
    • Recognize the different phases of the moon.

Social Studies

  • Pakistan:
    • Identify the major cities and provinces of Pakistan.
    • Understand the importance of national symbols.
    • Learn about famous Pakistani personalities.
  • World:
    • Identify different continents and countries.
    • Learn about different cultures and traditions.
    • Understand the concept of time zones.


  • What is the purpose of SLOs?
    • SLOs provide a clear framework for teachers to ensure that students achieve the desired level of understanding in each subject.
  • How can teachers use SLOs in their classroom?
    • Teachers can use SLOs to plan their lessons, assess student learning, and provide targeted support.
  • Are there any resources available to help teachers implement SLOs?
    • The Punjab School Education Department may provide resources such as lesson plans, assessments, and professional development opportunities to support teachers in implementing SLOs.


The SLOs for Class 3 in Punjab, Pakistan, provide a comprehensive guide for teachers to ensure that students acquire the necessary knowledge and skills in each subject. By following these guidelines, teachers can create engaging and effective learning experiences that will help students succeed in their academic journey.

Majid Farooq
Majid Farooqhttp://edlnd.com
English postgraduate, wordsmith by passion. Crafting stories, exploring knowledge, and sharing insights through blogs, content, and research.


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