HomeLatest Educational NewsImportant Data Entry Reminder: quran.pesrp.edu.pk

Important Data Entry Reminder: quran.pesrp.edu.pk

Important Data Entry Reminder: quran.pesrp.edu.pk

AOA Respected SDPs/DPs,

This email serves as a gentle reminder regarding the data entry portal for Quran recitation programs across schools. We kindly request you to share this message with your corresponding CEOs (DEA) and AEOs to ensure all School Heads are informed and encouraged to enter the necessary information into the designated data portal: https://quran.pesrp.edu.pk/.

Importance of Data Entry

Accurate and up-to-date data is crucial for effectively monitoring and managing Quran recitation programs within our schools. This information helps us:

  • Gauge the overall progress and effectiveness of these programs.
  • Identify areas for improvement and provide targeted support.
  • Allocate resources efficiently to best serve the needs of students and teachers.
  • Generate reports for various stakeholders, including government agencies.

Data Entry Instructions

School Heads can access the data entry portal using the provided link. Once logged in, they will be guided through the process of entering relevant details about their school’s Quran recitation program. This may include information such as:

  • School Information: School name, location, enrollment data, etc.
  • Program Details: Curriculum followed, teacher qualifications, class timings, etc.
  • Student Progress: Student participation levels, assessment results, etc.


  • What if I encounter technical difficulties while accessing the portal?

Please contact the IT department of your respective district for assistance.

  • What if I am unsure about the specific data points to be entered?

Refer to the provided guidelines or reach out to your CEO (DEA) or AEO for clarification.

  • Is there a deadline for data entry?

While a specific deadline is not mentioned, we encourage School Heads to enter the data at their earliest convenience to ensure accurate and timely program monitoring.


Your cooperation in ensuring complete and accurate data entry is highly appreciated. This information plays a vital role in strengthening and supporting the Quran recitation programs within our schools. We encourage School Heads to actively participate in this process and contribute to the overall success of these initiatives.

Additional Notes

  • You may consider adding a table outlining the specific data points required for entry.
  • Include contact information for the IT department or a designated support person in case of technical difficulties.

We hope this information is helpful. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions.

Thank you for your time and cooperation.

Important Data Entry Reminder: quran.pesrp.edu.pk
Important Data Entry Reminder: quran.pesrp.edu.pk
Majid Farooq
Majid Farooqhttp://edlnd.com
English postgraduate, wordsmith by passion. Crafting stories, exploring knowledge, and sharing insights through blogs, content, and research.


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