HomeLatest Educational NotificationsDozens of intermediate answer sheets were changed in Federal Board.

Dozens of intermediate answer sheets were changed in Federal Board.

Dozens of intermediate answer sheets were changed in Federal Board.


A recent scandal

has rocked the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE) as it was found that dozens of Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) answer sheets were replaced with new ones during the scanning process. was done This alarming development has raised serious concerns about the integrity of the examination process and the possible impact on future results.


The problem came to light when the board’s IT system detected discrepancies in the answer sheets during the scanning process. Each answer sheet is equipped with a unique QR code that allows digital tracking. When the system flagged possible anomalies, it was found that some answer sheets had been replaced with different answers.

Initial reports suggest that around 62 answer sheets were affected by the change. While the exact reasons behind this malpractice are still under investigation, it is believed that the people responsible for the scanning process, known as loaders, may be involved. To contain the damage, several loaders have been decommissioned.

key points

  • Dozens of HSSC answer sheets were changed in FBISE.
  • Changes detected by QR code system.
  • About 62 answer sheets are suspected to be affected.
  • Loaders responsible for scanning have been deprecated.
  • This incident raises concerns about the integrity of the examination process.

Table: Possible consequences of changing the answer sheet

Unfair advantage Students with altered answer sheets may get an unfair advantage.
Loss of confidence This incident may destroy public confidence in the examination system.
Legal implications Those involved in the conversion may face legal action.
Damage to reputation The reputation of the board may be damaged.


Alteration of answer

sheets in FBISE is a serious matter with far-reaching implications. This not only undermines the credibility of the examination process but also raises questions about security measures. The Board should conduct a thorough investigation to identify the culprits and take appropriate action. Moreover, it is very important to restore public confidence by implementing strict measures to prevent such incidents in future.

Dozens of intermediate answer sheets were changed in Federal Board.

Frequently Asked Questions

A unique QR code on each answer sheet allowed the IT system to identify discrepancies.
Several loaders involved in the scanning process have been dismissed.
The board has not yet announced any specific measures for the affected students.
Increased security measures and stricter surveillance are expected.
The board has not confirmed any delay in declaring the results.

Majid Farooq
Majid Farooqhttp://edlnd.com
English postgraduate, wordsmith by passion. Crafting stories, exploring knowledge, and sharing insights through blogs, content, and research.


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