HomeTrending NewsCircular from Punjab Provincial Transport Authority Regarding POL Prices and Fare Regulation

Circular from Punjab Provincial Transport Authority Regarding POL Prices and Fare Regulation

Circular from Punjab Provincial Transport Authority Regarding POL Prices and Fare Regulation


The Punjab Provincial Transport Authority (PPTA) has issued a circular to all Regional Transport Authorities (RTAs) in the province regarding the regulation of fares for public transport vehicles in the wake of fluctuating POL prices. The circular emphasizes the importance of passing on the benefits of reduced POL prices to the general public and ensures fair practices by transporters.

Key Points of the Circular

  • Fortnightly POL Price Review: The Federal Government regularly reviews POL prices every fortnight. Any reduction in prices must be reflected in the fares charged by public transport operators.
  • Regular Meetings with Transporters: RTAs hold regular meetings with transporters to discuss issues related to fare adjustments and ensure compliance with regulations.
  • Government Directives: The Provincial Government has mandated that the Transport & Masstransit Department, PPTA, and all RTAs strictly enforce fare regulations.
  • Mandatory Documents: All public transport vehicles must display the following documents prominently on their front windshield:
    • Vehicle Fitness Certificate
    • Vehicle Route Permit
    • Fare Table
  • Strict Enforcement: Any vehicle found violating the fare regulations or operating without valid documents will face strict legal action, including suspension of operations.


  • How often are POL prices reviewed?
    • The Federal Government reviews POL prices every fortnight.
  • What happens if a transporter overcharges passengers?
    • Strict legal action will be taken against the delinquent transporter, including suspension of bus operations.
  • Are there any specific documents that public transport vehicles must display?
    • Yes, vehicles must display their Vehicle Fitness Certificate, Vehicle Route Permit, and Fare Table on their front windshield.
  • Who is responsible for enforcing these regulations?
    • The Regional Transport Authorities (RTAs) in each district are responsible for enforcing the fare regulations.


The Punjab Provincial Transport Authority has taken proactive steps to ensure that the benefits of reduced POL prices are passed on to the general public. The circular emphasizes fair practices by public transport operators and outlines strict penalties for non-compliance. By implementing these measures, the PPTA aims to protect the interests of commuters and maintain a transparent and efficient public transport system in Punjab.

Circular from Punjab Provincial Transport Authority Regarding POL Prices and Fare Regulation
Circular from Punjab Provincial Transport Authority Regarding POL Prices and Fare Regulation
Majid Farooq
Majid Farooqhttp://edlnd.com
English postgraduate, wordsmith by passion. Crafting stories, exploring knowledge, and sharing insights through blogs, content, and research.


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