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Checking Post Rationalization Status on

Checking Post Rationalization Status on

This article provides a guide on how to check the status of your post rationalization on the Student Information System (SIS) of PESRP (Institute name likely) using the link

Here’s a breakdown of the process:

  • Access the SIS: Open the link in your web browser. This will take you to the login page of the SIS.
  • Log in: Enter your valid credentials (likely your student ID and password) to log in to the SIS.
  • Check Post Rationalization Status: Once logged in, there are two ways to check your post rationalization status:
    • Watch List: Look for a section or menu named “Watch List” or something similar. Clicking on this might directly display your post rationalization status.
    • MS Code: If there’s no watch list option, you might need to enter your school’s MS code. This code is likely provided by your school administration. Look for a section or field labeled “Enter MS Code” or something similar. Enter your school’s MS code and submit it. This should then display your post rationalization status.

Important Dates:

  • The rationalization will be based on the data available as of October 31, 2024. This means the information used to determine your post rationalization status reflects the data on that specific date.
  • The policy used for rationalization is the 2013 policy. Make sure you are familiar with the details of this policy to understand how your post rationalization might be calculated.


  • What is post rationalization?

Post rationalization is likely the process of evaluating a student’s application for a specific program or scholarship based on set criteria. The outcome of this process determines whether the student is granted the program/scholarship or not.

  • I can’t find the Watch List or MS code option. What should I do?

If you’re unable to locate the Watch List or MS code option, it’s best to contact your school administration’s IT support or the department responsible for managing the SIS. They can guide you on the specific steps to access your post rationalization status.

  • Where can I find the 2013 policy document?

The 2013 policy document might be available on your school’s website or through the SIS itself. Look for a section or link labeled “Policies” or “Student Handbook” where you can download or view relevant documents. You can also contact your school administration for assistance in obtaining the policy document.


By following the steps outlined above and referring to the FAQs, you should be able to check your post rationalization status on the SIS using Remember the reference dates (October 31, 2024) and the applicable policy (2013 policy) for rationalization. If you encounter any difficulties, don’t hesitate to contact your school administration for further guidance.

After opening this link, you can check the status of your post by clicking on watch list or entering your school’s MS code.
The rationalization will be on the number of 31 October 2024.
The rationalization will be as per the 2013 policy.
اس لنک کو اوپن کرنے کے بعد watch list یا پر کلک کر کہ اپنے سکول کا ایم ایس کوڈ ڈال کر اپنی پوسٹ کا سٹیٹس چیک کیا جا سکتا ہے
ریشنلایز یشن 31 اکتوبر 2024 کی تعداد پر ہوگی
ریشنلائزیشن 2013 پالیسی کے مطابق ہوگی۔

1️⃣اس لنک کو اوپن کرنے کے بعد watch list یا پر کلک کر کہ اپنے سکول کا ایم ایس کوڈ ڈال کر اپنی پوسٹ کا سٹیٹس چیک کیا جا سکتا ہے
2️⃣ریشنلایز یشن 31 اکتوبر 2024 کی تعداد پر ہوگی
3️⃣سوال:ریشنلایز یشن موسٹ جونئیر کی ہوگی یا موسٹ سینئیر کی؟

اس حوالے سے ابھی تک حتمی بات سامنے نہیں آ سکی۔
اگر ریشنلایز یشن پالیسی 2013 کو فالو کیا گیا تو موسٹ جونئیر ٹیچر ریشنلایز ہوگا۔

اور اگر ٹرانسفر پالیسی 2024 کو فالو کیا گیا تو موسٹ سینئیر ریشنلایز ہوگا۔
4️⃣سکولز میں posts کے تین طرح کے status ہیں
1.گرین پوسٹس
ان کی ریشنلائزیشن نہیں ہو گئی ۔
2۔ اورنج پوسٹس
ان کی ریشنلائزیشن ہونی ہے
ان اساتذہ کو ٹرانسفر کر دیا جائے گا required اور Available کے فرق کے مطابق
3۔ ریڈ پوسٹس
ریشنلائزیشن ہونے والے اساتذہ کو required اور Available کے فرق کے مطابق ایڈجسٹ کر دیا جائے گا ۔

Majid Farooq

English postgraduate, wordsmith by passion. Crafting stories, exploring knowledge, and sharing insights through blogs, content, and research.

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